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Bergland. The Art of Traditional Blacksmithing

A Norwegian Perspective

by Håvard Bergland

This book is a masterpiece that joins tradition with wisdom and creativity. It presents Håvard Bergland's overview of the blacksmithing trade as a whole. Bergland systematically documents the blacksmithing trade by gathering and presenting skills, techniques and ideas that he has tried out in the forge himself. The book is largely self-explainatory and offers advice, ideas and inspiration to anyone who wants to be involved in blacksmithing.

394 pages, 400 photos,  700 drawings, dimensions 21 x 26 cm,

version en langue anglaise


This book is a masterpiece that joins tradition with wisdom and creativity. It presents Håvard Bergland's overview of the blacksmithing trade as a whole. Bergland systematically documents the blacksmithing trade by gathering and presenting skills, techniques and ideas that he has tried out in the forge himself. The book is largely self-explainatory and offers advice, ideas and inspiration to anyone who wants to be involved in blacksmithing.

langue: anglais

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ANGELE GmbH | Ringstrasse 25 | 88416 Ochsenhausen | Allemagne