DVD-Video: The Hofi Hand Hammer
DVD-Video: The Hofi Hand Hammer
and the Hofi Ergonomic Technique for Moving Metal
for Moving Metal.
40 minutes, en anglais facilement compréhensible.
Featuring Uri Hofi as he discusses and demonstrates hammer technique for effective forge work.
In the DVD Hofi explains the ergonomics of good hammer design and how to use the hammer to optimize the energy delivered to the material with the minimum effort.
Hofi also demonstrates how proper form prevents damage to muscles and tendons.
Filmé au Center for Metal Arts, Florida, NY, USA
DVD ne peuvent pas être retournés ou échangés
langue: | anglais |
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Importateur/Fabricant/Distributeur (sauf si un autre fabricant est explicitement mentionné pour l'article) :
ANGELE GmbH | Ringstrasse 25 | 88416 Ochsenhausen | Allemagne