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Kreatives Schmieden

auteur Peat Oberon

en allemand, 124 pages


Discover the thrill of working with hot metal and creating your own pieces - this book shows you how.

With lavish photographs, it captures the excitement of working at the fire and explains the techniques to get you started. Drawing on traditional methods, it encourages you to develop your own style and to design your own tools and creations.



- Equipment and materials - guide to what you need to get started

- Step-by-step instructions to shaping, bending, splitting and drawing down hot metal

- Advice on traditional methods to fasten metal pieces together

- Chapters on making your own tools and tongs

- Techniques to help you create your own designs, particularly leaves and organic forms

- Projects include making a hanging basket bracket and a toasting fork

langue: allemande

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  • À utiliser uniquement par des utilisateurs familiarisés avec le produit.
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  • Une utilisation incorrecte peut causer des dommages et des blessures. Veuillez également prendre note des consignes de sécurité fournies avec le produit.

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ANGELE GmbH | Ringstrasse 25 | 88416 Ochsenhausen | Allemagne