Metall Design international 2002
Jahrbuch Verlag Hephaistos
auteur Peter Elgass,
bilingue allemand et anglais,
231 pages, noir et blanc, beaucoup de photos et dessins,
dimensions 21 x 29 cm
<br><i>Most certainly there have been easier things in the last few years than selling good and honest metal design. The reason is not a lack of individual contemporary works, but rather the fact that the education of the customers with respect to taste has been neglected. It Hans-Ueli Baumgartner (CH), Simon Benetton (I), Manfred Bergmeister (D), Helmut Brummer (D), Phil Johnson & Team (Scotland), Risto Immonen (SF), Ulrich Schmied (D).</i>
langue: | allemande, anglais |
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ANGELE GmbH | Ringstrasse 25 | 88416 Ochsenhausen | Allemagne