Metall Design international 2004
yearbook Verlag Hephaistos
by Peter Elgass,
bilingual german and english,
231 pages, black and white, many photos and drawings,
dimensions 21 x 29 cm
<br><i>The blacksmith’s trade is dead – this is what the media have been saying for many years. But, the contrary is the case. Forge-works are in demand and are still bought. for this reason, the yearbook 2004 presents more forge-work and less metal design. In this way, we are trying to pick up a “trend”. However, the economic upturn in Europe still has to be nurtured, so that no boom into forge-work can be felt. The art of forging has always been rather popular in the United States and in the United Kingdom. HEPHAISTOS presents: Martin Breidenbach (D), H. und Y. Ishikura (J), Paul Margetts (GB), Vladimir Markov (Rus ), Daniel Miller (USA ), Brian Russel (GB), Arpad Safranek (D), Edda Sandstede (D).</i>
language: | German, English |
Information on product safety:
- Use only for users familiar with the product.
- Only for the intended purpose.
- Improper use can lead to damage and injury. Please also note the safety instructions included with the product.
Importer/manufacturer/distributor (unless another manufacturer is explicitly mentioned for the article):
ANGELE GmbH | Ringstrasse 25 | 88416 Ochsenhausen | Germany