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Il existe de nombreuses meules sur le marché. Mais le vieux dicton s'applique également à cet outil:

Si vous achetez à bas prix, vous achetez deux fois. 

Dans notre gamme, nous proposons uniquement des abrasifs de haute qualité qui ne se contentent pas de se démarquer par leur taux d'enlèvement plus élevé et leur durée de vie plus longue.

Nous savons également que tout dans le processus de production se déroule sans problème, sans que les ouvriers de l'usine ou l'environnement ne soient laissés pour compte.

Plateaux support disques fibre Ø125 mm
Plateaux support disques fibre Ø125 mm avec filetage M14 & 5/8", convient pour disque fibre Cubitron, avec écrou de serrage pour disques fibre.

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24,95 €*
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Disque fibre Cubitron® grain 36
Disque fibre Cubitron® grain 36 Disque fibre 982C Cubitron II Ø 125 mm

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3,50 €*
Flap grinding disc TRIMFIX® BLACK MAMBA® 125, 40
Flap grinding disc TRIMFIX® BLACK MAMBA® 125, 40   High-performance flap grinding disc provides an exceptionally long service life and material removal on steel and stainless steel

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De 3,30 €*
Flap grinding disc MAGNUM® Ceramic 40
Flap grinding disc MAGNUM® Ceramic 40 125 x 22,2 mm   High-performance flap grinding disc provides an exceptionally long service life and material removal on steel and stainless steel

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De 4,86 €*
MAGNUM® CLEAN-PLUS disc Ø 125 x M14     Cleans all materials pore-deep, adapts ideally to all workpieces, does not smear and leaves a shiny surface like after sandblasting, without changing the dimensional accuracy (even thin sheets can be processed without any problems without grinding them through).   Features: Material thickness approx. 15 mm. Cleans all materials such as metals, stone, plastics, wood (boards and planks) deep into the pores. Works like sandblasting without damaging the base. Also removes rust, oxide, paints, Teroson and much more Grain-filled nylon fleece fabric, elastic for better workpiece adaptation. Large area of ​​fabric for significantly reduced processing times for cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, paint stripping, rust removal, oxide removal, etc. Ideal speed 2.000 - 4.500 min-1. Maximum speed 4.500 min-1 (30 m/sec in according to EN13743). For the first time, the ingenious carrier plate enables the hard fleece components to be applied over a large area - for less wear and thus over 50% longer service life. Elastic natural fiber high-tech compound carrier plate protects the environment and users (CO2-neutral), completely trimmable for complete use of the pane, noise and vibration dampening with practical M14 thread, for tool-free, lightning-fast mounting of panes. The integrated M14 thread makes it much easier to change the washer and no clamping nut is required - no risk of contamination from the workpiece touching the steel clamping nut.   Note: Replaces the MAGNUM® CLEAN with clear advantages in tool life and stock removal rate.

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8,90 €*
Produkt Anzahl: Gib den gewünschten Wert ein oder benutze die Schaltflächen um die Anzahl zu erhöhen oder zu reduzieren.
Fleece disc MAGNUM® Vlies Top 80
Fleece disc MAGNUM® Vlies Top 80 ø 115 mm x 22,2 mm, ideal range 2.000 - 5.000 rpm Perfect for smoothing tool surfaces - replaces wire brushes, abrasive paper and abrasive rubber.   For metalworking jobs such as grinding, fine grinding, smoothing and polishing also for removing scale, oxides, scratches, rust, burr and paint. Furthermore, it cleans and smooths wood and plastics.

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De 8,90 €*
high-performance cutting disc MAGNUM® Finecut 125
high-performance cutting disc MAGNUM® Finecut 125   Special high-performance cutting disc for thin-walled profiles and pipes and premium quality job.   Features: · Extremely precise cuts possible with a disc thickness of only 1 mm · Ideal for all metals - simplifies material procurement and warehousing

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De 1,49 €*
Premium rough grinding disc MAGNUM® FLEXO
Premium rough grinding disc MAGNUM® FLEXO Ø 125 x 22,2 mm, 6.0 mm thickness   The outstanding features of this universal rough grinding disc are its great aggressiveness, long service life, and material removal performance. Ideal for stainless steel. Best suited for difficult deburring jobs.   Features: · For all metals - simplifies material procurement and warehousing · Huge working time savings through significantly less disc change

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De 2,03 €*