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The choice when it comes to heavy forming work.

Available in various weight classes from 2.5 kg to 10 kg. The sledgehammer is characterized by a long handle and is traditionally used by the hammer operator to work on the anvil. The hammer is usually held with both hands and the glowing iron is deformed with powerful, targeted blows.

Various shapes available:

  • classic
  • cross-cut

If you can't find anything suitable, we can also produce individual versions.

Practice makes perfect

Here you can see how to use a sledgehammer as a hammer.

The tempo is set by the blacksmith with the workpiece in his hand and the normal blacksmith's hammer.

Instructions are given by hitting the track.

Sometimes this works better, sometimes worse...

Our video was made during a blacksmithing course and the result is quite acceptable for the first attempt!

Questions - Answers - FAQ

Many questions about the topic of sledgehammers, to which we try to give answers and without meaningless AI texts.

Do you still have questions? Then please ask us directly here:


How heavy does a sledgehammer need to be?

This cannot be answered in general terms, as sledgehammers usually start at around 2.5 kg head weight and go up to around 10 kg. Anything heavier is almost impossible to handle.

What weight is suitable for me?

You can work well with around 3-4 kg.
5 kg is still easy to handle for strong blacksmiths.
At around 10 kg you should not only eat protein curd and be in the mass phase, but also have the muscles to go with it.

How long is the handle of a sledgehammer?

It starts at around 600 mm and the handles are up to 900 mm long.
This varies depending on the weight of the hammer.

What do I have to look out for when buying?

Here you should make sure that the hammers are reliably hardened and have good workmanship.
There are many non-renowned manufacturers out there and the €5 hammer from the Far East can quickly blow up in your face.

How hard should a sledgehammer be?

The hammer should have a hardness of around 56 HRC on the face and fin.
The eye should be softer.
You can also find all of this in the corresponding DIN.

Where can I buy a sledgehammer?

Of course from Angele.
We value tested quality from well-known manufacturers and smaller professional smiths who know their craft.
We know that this question is "strange", but Google wants it that way ;)

What is a sledgehammer?

A sledgehammer, also known as Schlegel, Massa, Mottek, Bello, Jakob, Jackl, Lehmann or Maker, is a hand-held tool consisting of a heavy hammer head and a long handle. Due to its heavy head weight, it is used with both hands and is mainly used for rough work.

Who is the good-looking guy in the video?

This is Patrick, our blacksmith at many blacksmithing courses.
If you want to find out more, book a blacksmithing course and sweat together with him.

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